At the start of a new year many people like to make resolutions, things they want to accomplish or change or improve upon. The only real resolution I am making for 2011 is to be the best person I can be!
That doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about what I'd like to accomplish this year quiltwise. I've been giving lots of thought to actually applying the "F" word (finish) to my bazillion projects which languish in varying degrees of completedness. Is that a word???
Now, don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that I won't start a new project whenever the mood strikes, just that I will spend A LOT of time working on some of my older much loved projects.
Temptation and inspiration out in blogland too often has me mesmerized and I am suddenly out of control with wanting to make all the loveliness that I see others creating.
Upon further reflection, I've come to realize that I don't really care how many quilts I have in production stage when I get excited about one more new project - I suppose that makes me more of a process person - I'm not as interested in the completion of a project as I am in the journey I'm on in order to get there.
I also gravitate towards intricate time consuming projects with tiny fussy pieces.
Oh how I love this quilt creating life - it's so freeing - I can create whatever I want, whenever I want - it's my time to play and revel in the yummyness of the scrumptious fabric to my hearts desire.
With all that being said I've spent some time inventorying what I want to delve into first.
Since I've got all of the blocks and border completely appliqued
except for a small amount of embroidery here and there on
The Great Pumpkin Quilt, I've been spending
most of my time working on this one. It will be exciting to finally
see it put together. I don't remember where I took this picture, but this is what it should look like when done.
Next time you see a picture of this quilt it will be a picture of mine!
Another applique quilt that I've finished
6 of 12 blocks from is "Flourishes"
by Piece of Cake, seen here:
Again, I don't remember where I took this picture.
And then there's Autumn Joy - I have 4 of these applique blocks completed.
It is my hope to have all three of these quilts completed this year.