Spent today with my 92 year old Dad and Mom. Mom has been suffering from Alzheimers for a number of years now and Dad has trouble keeping a smile on his face as the love of his life is slipping further and further away from him. They've been together since they were teenagers. This has been a very difficult few years for us all.
And now a little catch up from January/February 2009

An annual event in Southern California is a wonderful Quilt Show - Road To California which is held in the middle of the month of January in Ontario, California. It is a 4 day show with wonderful classes, quilts, and great vendors.
This year I went for just one day and managed to cram in seeing all the quilts and even didn't do too much damage at the vendor booths.

Here is a crazy quilt that was displayed there - it's an Opportunity Quilt made by the Conejo Valley Quilt Guild, of which I was a charter member and the first co chair of the guild's very first quilt show.
What an undertaking for an opportunity quilt. I must buy many many tickets for this beauty.
Here's another wonderful Crazy Quilt displayed there that I spent much time ogling over and taking many pictures for further perusal and inspiration. I apologize for not getting the name of the maker of this fabulous quilt. It's quite possible that it was made in the 1940's, as one of the blocks has an inscription with the date: '45
And, another amazing quilt that I thought was just beautifully done.
Happy Birthday Scott
February brought a milestone for my dear son - his 40th Birthday. How did those years fly by so fast? Here we are celebrating at Benihana's for a fabulous dinner.